Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The vicious cycle

A couple of weeks ago, Vanguardlock’s guild, Damage Inc which will now hence forth be known as DI had a recent defection of two Officers. Not only they are Officers, they are also the Class Leaders for our Molten Core raids. One of them a Paladin and another is a Mage. Both are decently geared to a point where losing them would hurt the guild's progression but nonetheless not a big enough impact to shake the guild and breaking it up. However, the abrupt defection of the two Officers have personally taken me aback.

Do the player or the person behind the computer screen even comprehend the meaning of tactfulness and integrity? I really doubt the players in World of Warcraft. When the people that you communicate with and had given you a commitment that their allegiance lies with the guild. One would expect them to not leave guild under most circumstances. We put our trust in them feeling that they will be tactful enough if one day they were to leave; they would be courteous enough at least inform the Guild Master or the other Officers about whatever are the reasons for a defection. I feel that the failure of notification or lacking the sense of informing reflects how bad and courageless that person is in real life.

Yes, no doubt people come and people go, I will just have to deal with it. However, giving more thought to it, if you reflect in real life, guilds in WoW are like companies, some are successful taking on big business opportunities and some which are small but contented with the achievements that they have made. However, DI is a guild which is striving to be one of the big boys in the WoW by clearing more end game instances, in reflection to the real world, a company that is climbing up the ladder and taking on business opportunites to eventually be able list itself on the first or second board in the share markets.

Now taking the same example of reflecting a guild is somewhat similar to a company in real life, Guild Members would therefore correlate as the employees of a company. Officers of the guild would somewhat be the Managers, and Class Leaders can be referenced as a Department Head. Lastly, the Guild Leader would be the reflection of the director and Raid Leader would be the CEO of the company driving it for greater achievements.

Coming back to WoW, two Officers and coincidently Class Leaders as well, which means they were holding an important role in the guild, have left abruptly without warning or explanation. Sure, you may add saying “It is a frigging game man! Just deal with it because people come and go! Chill! Do you need the waa-bulance for your whining?”. However, have you ever thought that how you react to a situation in the game also depicts how you would react in the real life? You may say WoW is a game, real life is different because you cannot afford mistakes and a person would act differently in real life as it is irreversable. After all, making mistakes in a game would mean no harm, you just have to press the restart button. Is that so? I find that extremely wrong! What you portray in game actually reflects your ability and characteristics you would present yourself in real life, especially in MMORPG games which requires extensive communication and interation skills.

I feel sad for the lack of tactfulness in both the persons that I mentioned for leaving the guild without any notice. Sure, bigger guilds are definitely more attractive in terms of game progression and when an opportunity arises, it would be highly likely for a defection when the terms are right but at least be tactful enough and leave a guild in good faith! I am quite sure you would do the same in real life if you were to leave a company for a better company, why can’t people do it in game as well? Is it because a game is just pixels and programming codes? Heck! You may not even know the person behind the monitor, what more to actually compromise and take care of their feelings? Do such childish thoughts go thorough the minds of the players in WoW? I don't know.

Maybe it will take some time for me to actually adapt to the situation. Well, another lesson learnt and another day wiser, life must go on and adaptation is the key to why we humans exist and will still exist for a long time. I guess it is people like this which make the world a crueler place to live in. I will just need to learn how to adapt to it.


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